Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Your Running Shoes are your Best Friend

If you listen to your running shoes, and get out the door and run...congratulations you can call yourself a runner. And you really belong to an elite club; one you should be proud you belong to. You may not be a club member, but the very fact of running makes you special.

You are different from the majority of the population, who would rather work 9 to 5, slump in front of the television or go down the pub for a few drinks. You know that you have to put the work in to see a result. You know that running doesn't come easy, that if you miss a few days running you might end up back at square one.

Running needs to be consistent. If you only have time to run three days a week you need to do that. Not ease off because you'll miss an episode of Star Trek.

And your running shoes can be your best friend in this situation. If they are comfortable, fit well, and give you all the support you need your running shoes will take you far; even further that the recommended 500 miles if you're lucky.

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